Hi All,
Please see some important information from Basketball Victoria regarding Return to Sport as of today 18.11.21.
This is edited to provide the most relevant information which relates to the junior domestic competition that we play in.
Madonna – Mill Park Rebelz Secretary

Return to Sport Update – November 18th
Dear All,
The following is a Return to Sport Update regarding Phase D of Victoria’s Roadmap to Re-Opening and community sport as well as vaccination requirements for Basketball Victoria operated leagues, events and activities.
With Victoria soon to reach 90 per cent double dose (12 plus) vaccination rate, today the Victorian Government announced a further easing of restrictions for Phase D of the Roadmap: Delivering the National Plan.
In line with the easing of these restrictions, Basketball Victoria confirms that as of 11.59pm November 18, 2021 that community basketball related activities can continue under the following COVID-SAFE settings:

Vaccination Requirements – Community Sport – Domestic Basketball

As per the Victorian Government’s Directions there is a vaccination exemption for community sport, provided the space, including entrances, exits and amenities are being operated only for the purpose of conducting a community sport activity.
Venues may permit spectators and participants, including players, coaches and volunteers, of community sport to access both indoor and outdoor spaces within a physical recreation facility without showing vaccination status.

However, where community sport is being conducted in a facility that is unable to provide exclusive use of a space (eg Epping YMCA Leisure Centre), the venue will require ALL PATRONS to provide proof of vaccination or exemption.
Venue staff (including volunteers) must be fully vaccinated if their job extends beyond community sport.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,
Nick Honey
Basketball Victoria
Chief Executive Officer