Team Lists for Autumn/Winter 2020

Team Lists for Autumn/Winter 2020 are out and may have altered since you first saw them elsewhere. All players are expected to have and use Team App for communication which is where team lists and game times for grading will be most up to date. Please see the Team App...

PlayHQ Account

Whittlesea City Basketball Association (WCBA) and most other leagues and clubs are moving towards a new system of registration and we require all players and parents to sign up for a PlayHQ account AS WELL AS the online registration via our website this season. Please...


Mill Park Rebelz Assoc Inc. Monday 26th August 4.15-5.15pm Mill Park Basketball Stadium Court 1 4.15-5.15, Monday 25th August Come along to the Annual General Meeting and hear how the club has been going all year! Come and show your support for the Committee who keep...

Games times Saturday 10-8-19

Game times for this Saturday are now out. This is the last time we’ll provide them for you here. Team Managers will now locate the games details and text the details to you each week. If you’re curious or need them as soon as they’re released, the...