Scorers for DV Finals

I can confirm that this season again we will have one referee or official on each scorebench to assist your scorers for the first week of finals. For games with shot clock, the official will assist.

 We will be providing all the scorers for Prelims and Grand Finals as per usual.

Finals Behavioural Penalties

2-Week Mandatory Bans: Anyone approaching the scorebench who is not a coach, assistant coach, or team manager will receive a mandatory 2-week ban from games.

Doubled Penalties: All penalties for incidents regarding poor behaviour will be doubled during the finals series. We will not tolerate any abuse towards scorers or referees. Unacceptable behaviour from players, coaches, spectators, or anyone else will be subject to immediate disciplinary action with harsher than normal penalties.

Please make this very clear to your members, as ignorance will not be an excuse for poor behaviour.

Thank you and good luck for the rest of the season and finals.

DVBA Adminstration