2017/18 Presidents Report


The past year has been a very exciting time for our club.

At our last AGM in August 2017 we had 17 quality teams (140 players) that were very competitive in their divisions. As I speak to you today, we are continually growing and currently have 34 teams (252 players.)

Part of this growth was the successful amalgamation/merger with Red Leap Raiders who brought 6 teams to our REBELZ family. This transition was discussed at length, made very transparent to all involved and both clubs (we found) had very similar values. We acknowledge the former Red leap Raiders with their emblem on the back of our new players tops. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Rene (former president) and her sister Tania for their endless time and commitment in making this transition a smooth one. Their main aim and priority was to ensure players wellbeing.

A special thanks goes to those coaches and team managers who have joined the REBELZ family from the Raiders.


With the clubs rapid and continual growth, it is imperative (more now than ever) that we stick by our clubs’ policies and procedures. These have guided us to be the successful, fair and quality club that players and parents all want to be a part of.

We pride ourselves with the way that the club caters for all kids with varied abilities and treat everyone equally. Our internal grading system allows the club to establish an even level playing field providing competitive teams and helps our players learn, grow and play basketball by having some fun and enjoyment along the way. This is part of the reason we had over 70% of our teams participating in finals the Summer and Winter Seasons.


Our Special Needs Academy is in its 3rd season and is growing each season. We now have 32 children. Seeing the smiles on the kids faces makes it all worthwhile.


All of this would not be possible if it weren’t for parents, siblings and players volunteering their time and I would like to make a special mention of your current committee:


Vice president – Suzanne. A full-time secondary School teacher attending parent teacher interviews tonight. She is the calming voice on the committee who translates my somewhat unorthodox points of views into more appropriate ones.


Secretary – Madonna. A very professional operator who ensures all the ‘i’s are dotted and ‘t’s are crossed. Madonna is constantly finding ways to improve our processes and club.


Treasurer – Jennie. Currently in Bali on a holiday with her family. She keeps our finances in order and has a busy and tough role in trying to ensure that fees/bills are paid. She’s constantly looking at ways to enhance the bottom line.


Registrations – Luch. Former president and Vice – president and always helping out for the betterment of the club. His experience and knowledge in the running of a club is unparallel.


Fundraising – Jo. Like her husband Luch, has filled many roles over her years with the club and her dedication has been very much appreciated.


Fundraising – Michelle. Joined the committee from the Raiders and has been a valued member and hopefully continues to be.


Communications – Oly. A very dedicated member who has been involved in various roles within the club and does a lot of work behind the scenes. Has streamlined our communications to all members. One that keeps me in line!


Committee Members:

Gerard – currently in Bali with his wife (and treasurer) Jennie. A wise voice of reason, when he speaks, we listen.

Eugene – practically has an entire team in his own family with 5 of his 6 children registered with the club. A new member on the committee who adds value and helps spread the word. As if that isn’t enough, he is also a Team Manager.

Ray – a man who contributes his time and thoughts to benefit the club. Always helps out when required and adds that much needed humour to our committee meetings.


A great big thanks to these individuals whose volunteered time is second to none. I’d also like to make mention that each member of the committee works full time, is also a coach or Team Manager, have families of their own to take care of and 8 of us in the committee are a husband/wife team. It’s imperative for the future of the club, especially given our rapid growth rate that we have more volunteers to help share the load. I kindly ask that you consider this and join the committee.


Due to the initiative of our treasurer Jennie, she entered myself in the Westfield Local Hero Program. There was an 8 page detailed submission that each and every person in our committee contributed to. As a result, I was shortlisted and the votes went out to the local community. Thanks to everyone’s support and votes, we have now won the $10,000 grant that will be used to help in the development of our kids, coaches and Special Needs Academy.


Clubs like ours survive on fundraising and sponsorship. I am please to announce we have a new sponsor – NOAA Security.

NOAA Security make monthly financial contributions to our club. They also offer our members a discounted rate for services/installations and a spotter’s fees is paid back to the club.

If you have or know someone that is interested in becoming a sponsor, please let us know.


In this last year, the club has grown double in size with both our Domestic and the Special Needs Academy, something we can all be very proud of.


Our 2017 VSA recipient (Volunteer Service Award) was John Bickerton. The club recognised the contributions he has made and continues to make with the club, coaching and is well known for his recruiting. John’s kids have outgrown the club but John continues to devote his time. Well done and thank you John.


Overall, this last 2017/18 year has been a very successful, busy and progressive one for the Mill Park REBELZ Basketball club. We look forward to continuing the great success of our club and be a leader in the competition, both on and off the court.


Anthony Dionis

President Mill Park Rebelz


Mill Park Rebelz Committee of Management